Sunday, July 22, 2012

Better late than never!

Hey everyone!

I have not been able to update in a few weeks. I was really busy taking photos and posting some new items to the Etsy store. Then a week ago today, I woke up at 3 am wicked sick and had to go to the emergency room. I had a bad cold for several days and it lead to fluid building up in my ears and caused me to have vertigo! It was not fun at all and I would never wish it on my worst enemy. So I was pretty much out of commishion until Thursday. The medication that stops the dizzyness makes you really sleepy, so I pretty much slept all week and got no work done.

Anyway... I am going to write the post I wanted to last week now....

Here are a few of the new items I have made recently and are now in the store.

I had alot of fun making these trading card bookmarks. Super simple to make but the fun part was picking out the combinations of cards to use.

The Addams Family:

Tales From the Crypt #1:

Tales From the Crypt #2:


All I did to make them was: line up two cards inside a sheet laminate paper and then run it through the laminator. Then let it cool off and cute around it, just leaving a little bit around the edges so it won't peel apart.

Also here is another set of items I made: Price Tags!

1 3/4 inch tages with orange strings. Set of 25 tags.

1 1/2 inch white tags with white strings. Set of 25 tags.

2 inch tags with multi colored strings. Set of 25 tags - 5 tags each in yellow, black, blue, red and purple strings.

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